The Consultation
Those who took part in this were overwhelmingly in favour of planting more trees and continuing our wildflower meadows.
In order to give a fair picture of the responses, there was one person who didn’t want any trees to be planted, and seven people who didn’t want any additional areas of woodland near HBUF.
There were, however, twenty-two people who wished to become members of HBUF (I haven’t yet managed to get your details from the Clerk of the Parish, but will get in touch with you as soon as I have them).
If we look at the questions/responses in slightly more detail, people:-
valuing free natural space in neighbourhood – 95%
visiting daily – 33%
visiting on a weekly basis – 50%
visiting never – 1.2%
valuing having native woodland in neighbourhood – 98%
not valuing having native woodland in neighbourhood – 1.2%
wishing to see additional areas of woodland adjacent to HBUF – 91.5%
not wishing to see additional areas of woodland adjacent to HBUF – 8.5%