Well, not really news of course, just a few lines of airy persiflage.
When I was walking the dog yesterday, benefiting from the delightful sunshine, I was a bit taken aback to see an elderly (i.e. older than me, and I can remember the days when you could claim a ?fiver if you spotted the chap with the relevant newspaper at the seaside and tapped him on the shoulder, while showing him the same newspaper – maybe a bit convoluted, but those in the know will remember) couple, he with a pair of loppers in his hand and she standing beside him with a carrier bag. I asked what they were doing, and she replied that they were cutting away the brambles as these were “… choking the poor young trees”. I asked them to stop, as the brambles, on the contrary, protect the young trees, which have grown very well in their thorny embrace, and are, furthermore, happy not to have to compete with grass. I don’t think they believed me, though, as he didn’t stop. But maybe he was just a bit hard of hearing (I wouldn’t like to suggest he found it hard to change his opinion).
The anemones beside the stream are looking very pretty, and so is the blossom on the trees beside the walk there.
Well, I did manage to put the last lot of minutes (March 2020) on to the Minutes of Meetings page – no thanks to WordPress.com, who keep changing the way things are done. Improvements, no doubt, but just as annoying as Microsoft is whenever they bring out a new version of Word. All of a sudden, after you’d learnt how to format something in a certain way, there they go, improving everything, and you can’t find it again.
All for now.