Tiverton Crossing Proposal
Following repairs to the sarsen stone bridge, it can no longer be used by the tractor. We need a new route to allow the tractor access to the Cricklade and Tiverton fields for mowing and other maintenance tasks.
We are proposing a crossing across the ditch from the main area of the forest into the Tiverton field. That would also give us access into the Cricklade field, via the existing bridge that joins the two fields.
The Tiverton field is not widely used by the public because access is limited, so putting in this new crossing would also bring it into more regular use.

You may not be aware of the ditch as it’s largely hidden by brambles and saplings. It runs along the eastern edge of the main HBUF area. Easiest place to go take a look is behind the whomping willow near the tree circle. It’s about 50-100cm deep and dry through most of the year, but carries some water into the brook during wet periods.

Option 1 – Culvert.
To create the culvert we’d lay a pipe in the ditch and fill around it with hardcore or similar. Beams or sleepers would be embedded across the top to spread the load of the tractor.

Option 2 – Ford.
For the ford we would cut away earth on either bank, just wide enough for the tractor, with a slope gentle enough for tractor to drive over. Hardcore or similar would be used to reinforce the bed of the crossing to protect it.

Advantages & Disadvantages
Although both options would require the removal of some undergrowth and small saplings they will allow better maintenance of the area and improve access to the Tiverton field, and HBUF in general, making better use of the space.
The culvert would allow year-round access for both pedestrians and the tractor, but is a more complicated build and would require long-term maintenance to ensure it remains safe and accessible.
The ford would be unusable during very wet periods, as it would still carry the rainwater away into the brook, and would be easier to construct.
Next steps
We got a positive reaction when I presented these initial ideas to the Parish. Now we need to firm up on the plans. From here, the next steps are:
- Draw up more detailed plans and costings.
- Dependent on the projected cost, consider funding options.
- Liaise with the Parish Council and Environment Agency to get any required approvals.
- Finalise the location for the crossing.
- Make a start on clearing the undergrowth to allow pedestrian access.
We rely on our volunteers and their many different skill-sets. If this is an area you have experience in, and it’s a project you would like to support, then please do get in touch.
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