Minutes of Meeting, April 2018

Present at meeting: Kate Henery, Steve Thompson, Josie Lewis, Bob Sherman, Amanda Musto, Marieanna MacPherson, Mary Farragher

Apologies for absence: Sue Gwinnell, Stuart Batsford

Minutes of last meeting: Josie stated that she had amendments; Steve moved that the meeting accept the unamended minutes as an accurate record and this was passed.

Matters Arising:

  • Josie handed out an extended version of the minutes which the meeting dismissed as an irrelevancy.
  • Steve asked Josie to email to him the quote for planings that she had found.
  • Celtic Tree Calendar: Kate has estimated the costs at £1,200 inclusive.
  • New bank account: Kate is starting the process online (as the bank has indicated).
  • Mini opinion poll: Amanda reported a positive response to this. She will bring the results to May’s meeting.  Hedgehog run query as well.
  • Tree pruning: Steve reported that the Council has not got the budget for this, but that Rob Cove would send someone out to have a look.

Chairman’s Report:

Steve has paid the bee-hive deposit; he will advertise exactly when it is to take place via Facebook.


The wrong mini-dumper was delivered so we have to wait a little longer for the one we want.

Jobs for Well-being Group:

This is for Mon 23rd April.  Steve suggested that concrete posts, wire mesh, rubble should be taken to one spot next to the sleeper bridge, where it should be covered with topsoil and chippings (with reminder about wearing of masks).


  • Steve suggested droppable bollard at main entrance – all in favour; he will get an estimate.
  • Josie – road planings quote from a council source
  • Reminder of Britain in Bloom in July; any photos please send to Steve who will pass on to Richard
  • Litter-picking along cycle track a good idea.
  • Concern about presence (and possible source) of used nappies being dumped in the woodland.

Meeting closed at 7.55.

Next Meeting: 7.00, Monday 14th May, St Barnabas Small Hall.

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