Well, who would have thought it? That which was imminent has now come to pass, and the responsibility for our HBUF lease has now legally passed to the Central Swindon North Parish Council. Not only that, but with a ninety-nine-year term.
With the help of the Parish we have set up a consultative survey on our proposed “Towards Ten Thousand Trees” project. We would genuinely like as many replies as possible so please fill in the survey and share as much as possible. Your support and encouragement are vital to our plans.
Not only that, and also in relation to that same project of ours, the Parish have asked HBUF to plant some trees on Cobden Green, an area of grass and existing trees off Iffley Road. Steve Thompson measured the area and drew up a plan to plant four hundred and fifty trees. This plan was approved by the Parish, who have ordered the trees which will be delivered in early December.
We need all the help we can get to plant these trees. We would particularly like people local to the area to help us plant, as well as local councillors from both councils. So please pencil in 9th December as planting day.
Brilliant news, I’m sure you will agree. Well, I’m pretty chuffed about it.